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Countdown staff agree to 12% pay rise deal
Countdown Employees have voted to accepted a two-year collective agreement that includes 12% wage increase, the living wage as the minimum starting wage, improvements to pandemic leave and sick leave.
University of Waikato suspends striking TEU members
Waikato university issued suspension notices to staff who choose to go on strike.
The Strike is a three-day ban on entering and releasing student grades.
Teachers ‘insulted’ by govt offer of $6000 pay increase
Teachers and principals in primary and secondary schools will be rejecting the government offer of a $6000 pay raise.
The offer was $4000 on settlement with no backdating, a further $2000 next year and for principals a $5000 increase.
For teachers starting their career the offer would provide a pay rise of 10 percent spread over two years, but for most teachers it was worth less than 7 percent over two years or half the current rate of inflation.
Countdown signs off 19% wage increase over two years for supermarket workers
The new Countdown Collective agreement will see supermarket works receive a 12% increase this year and 7% next year.
New strike at University of Auckland
Staff at The University of Auckland have commenced a week-long strike. This strike is in addition to a ban on entering and releasing student marks or course marks into any student management system. Employees at the university work more than the contracted and paid hours and want more pay to show their value.