

Private Sector Negotiated Wage Survey Results and Trends

Want to participate in our next survey?


half Day Session

3 July 2024



A detailed review of New Zealand’s most accurate and current CA wage trends survey. This is essential information when reviewing current wage rates. It’s reliable data that allows you to have credible discussions with either individual employees or unions.

45min Webinar Briefing

27 June 2023



A brief summary of the results from the Annual Collective Agreement Settlements Survey. 



2pm – 2:45pm

Keep up to date with current collective agreement in NZ

 This morning briefing will highlight the results of our Annual Collective Agreements Settlement Survey taken from more than 200 private sector collective agreements – a valuable industry snapshot and an invaluable guide for your own collective agreement bargaining.

Learning Outcomes


Firmly established as the primary source of private sector wage information for New Zealand, the survey provides up-to-date market intelligence on union wage claims and settlement trends. Data is categorised by union, region and industry. It is ‘un-weighted’ and ‘non-manipulated’ to ensure you get the facts on current Collective Agreement settlements.

Key Content

  • Wage trends by region, industry and unions 
  • The actual wage percentage settled as at end April each year
  • Benefits, Allowances and the Term of Agreement
  • The current data on industrial action during bargaining
  • Current local and global wage economics and forecast that will impact the year ahead

Please note: the workshop program may be subject to minor content changes

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Each organisation participating in the survey receives the survey results report for free